opinion rating造句

"opinion rating"是什么意思   


  1. The Cooper Pilot Opinion Rating Scale was initially published in 1957.
  2. With his stratospheric public-opinion ratings, who can blame him?
  3. But Mandela's public-opinion ratings continue by far to exceed those of his government or other political leaders.
  4. We had a department whose public opinion rating was down around 30 or 40 percent at the time.
  5. Unsurprisingly, the tonic he offers _ with his favorable public opinion ratings soaring into the 70s _ is himself.
  6. It's difficult to find opinion rating in a sentence. 用opinion rating造句挺难的
  7. Unemployment is seen as the country's biggest social issue, a major factor behind low opinion ratings for Prime Minister Alain Juppe and continuing labor unrest.
  8. Bratton, who has expressed no particular interest in running, had a 56 percent favorable opinion rating in the poll, compared with the mayor's 47 percent.
  9. Gore, who has suffered from falling opinion ratings at home because of campaign finance allegations, used his meeting with the press to advertise his diplomatic efforts.
  10. She took over the leadership at a time when the Democrats were at their lowest ever public opinion rating since the party was founded in 1977.
  11. While dismissing them, Armey and other Republicans said that D'Amato's comments are particularly troubling since Gingrich and congressional Republicans are already facing low public opinion ratings.
  12. Kirchner, who took office in May 2003, saw his public opinion ratings soar as he purged the corruption-tainted national police force and overhauled the Supreme Court.
  13. Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on Friday defended his economic reform policies after one year in office, saying his commitment to reviving Japan hasn't wavered despite falling opinion ratings.
  14. On October 28, Park dismissed key members of her top office staff and Park's opinion rating dropped to 5 %, the lowest ever for a sitting South Korean president.
  15. 更多例句:  下一页


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